About Worship at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
For Children:
Nursery: A nursery is available for young children with a child-friendly bathroom and well-stocked changing facilities.
Additional changing facilities are available in the restrooms on the main level.
Gliders and a pack and play, along with many fun toys and activities.
You may view the service while in the nursery.
Rainbow Tree: activities for older children to bring into the sanctuary during worship services. Please enjoy these items and return them at the end of the service.
Includes quiet books, coloring sheets, and more.
Children's Bulletin: Please request a copy from an usher. Activities in the Children's Bulletin are suitable for children able to read independently.
We love children at BLC and we hope they enjoy Sunday mornings singing, learning, and worshiping with us.
Large Print Bulletin: Large print bulletins are available weekly.
Audio Listening Aids: Please see an usher if you would like to use a listening device.
Handicap Accessible facility. Please see an usher if you need any assistance.