Invited to God's Banquet, October 15 Worship

We are invited to a banquet. It’s quite a feast. On the menu is mercy, grace, and joy. Come and sit at this table and you will laugh with relief and wonder. This is God’s banquet, and He invites us to come and sit with him at His table. It is an honor we have not earned and do not deserve. If you are surprised to be invited you might pause and think, “But I have nothing I could wear to such a lavish banquet.” Look again and you will see that the invitation says “come as you are.” Here we are in the presence of the Almighty Creator and King. God’s banquet is just getting started. It is an eternal celebration of all that good, right, and true. 


Jesus, "Man of Integrity, Teaching the Way of God" October 22nd Worship


Listening for God, October 8th Worship