The Lord of Ultimate Things, November 19 Worship

As we come to the last few Sundays in the church we also appropriately come to a time of the year in which the light of day is fleeting and rare. In our worship at this time we call out to our gracious God to brighten our lives as only He can. He is Lord of the ultimate things and He can bring light to even the smallest and seemingly insignificant aspects of our lives. By what He did Jesus Christ tore open the heavens that God’s gracious light may come into this darkened world. Jesus tells us a story about how God has entrusted us with the care of things and people, and as we do this God’s light can be more clearly seen, and the brightness of the coming new heaven and earth becomes more obvious


Christ the King Reigns, November 26th Worship


The Lord Come Down from Heaven, Novemeber 12 Worship