God's Gracious Account, September 17th Worship

Each of us is, in a sense, writing the story of our lives. We want to steer the story in a certain way. Yet, along the way there are many “what if’ moments that we cannot control. Paul tells us in Romans that in the end each of us “will give an account of himself to God.” In other words we will get to tell the story from our perspective. But what really ignites the imagination is that we will then get to hear Almighty God’s version of our story. Along the way, as it is being written God can turn our stories in surprising ways. He can add or subtract things, not because we deserve it but because it is His pleasure to see something better than we could ever create for ourselves. In the end, God can choose to see the whole of our lives in an entirely different way because Jesus the Son of the Living God has made sure that our stories include grace and forgiveness and the undeserved eternal compassion of God.


Our Generous God, September 24th Worship


God Creates Anew, September 10th Worship