Speak Lord, We are Listening, January 14th Worship

For so long the world prayed and hoped to hear God’s voice. Now in the church year we pass from Christmas into Epiphany. The child born in Bethlehem grows and begins to speak. Jesus is God’s first and clearest Word to all humanity—the Logos incarnate. Born in the manger of Bethlehem and heading for the cross of Golgotha, His words are full of light and of love. Still it is easy for us to feel as if we cannot hear God. But His eternal voice has broken the silence. Here now in the season of Epiphany it is time for us to become silent and still enough to hear the voice of God speaking life and love for every person through Jesus—the Logos in the flesh.



The Eternal One Among Us, January 21st Worship


When the Light Comes, Epiphany Worship, January 7th