Waiting for Glory Everlasting, November 18 Worship

As the Church Year is approaching its close, we turn our focus to the last things. The very last thing that we confess in the Apostles’ Creed is that we believe in the life everlasting. In Revelation, John describes the heavenly city of God and tells us that the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. Brilliant brightness has always been associated with the seeing of God, from the time when Moses had to veil his face because it reflected the dazzling presence of the almighty Lord. As we come into His presence for worship, we have a partial sense of that glory as we await that time beyond time, when we shall experience it fully in the life everlasting in His heavenly kingdom.


Christ is King, The Last Sunday in the Church Year, November 25


Authentic Faith in the Reality of God, November 11 Worship