Jesus Invites Us to Rest in His Presence, July 22 Worship

Paul tells his friends the Ephesians that God has knocked down the dividing wall and made himself to be our peace. In Jesus we find real rest from things that trouble us in body and soul. In Him we find rest with one another because Jesus gives us reason to leave behind the things that would seem to divide us. Ultimately all things will be brought together in unity under the reign of Christ. To anticipate this we can imagine joining the large crowd of diverse people that came and sat down in the green grass to listen to Jesus. They had come from different towns, but they all were “like a sheep without a shepherd.” After Jesus fed their souls with his teaching he also fed their bodies with a meal he amazingly produces for 5000 from five loaves of bread and two fish. Today and forever we are invited to rest in God’s


Take Courage, it is I, July 29th Worship


God's Kingdom of Compassion, July 15th Worship