I Am the Bread of Life, August 5 Worship

It seems that our culture values what is new more than what endures. We throw away so much that is perfectly good---simply out of style or no longer wanted. In the midst of this throw-away culture, our Lord cautions us against seeking that which does not last. Instead, He points us to Himself and calls on us to seek the eternal things. The people remembered Jesus as the miracle worker who had fed thousands with nothing but a few loaves of bread and some fish. But Jesus' miracle was not just a momentary amusement. It pointed to the food which does not perish, which feeds and nourishes, and fills us with the spiritual things of God. This is the food we really need.  Jesus is this bread, he is the eternal, for today, for tomorrow, and forever.


God Provides, August 12 Worship


Take Courage, it is I, July 29th Worship