The Voice over the Waters, The Baptism of Our Lord, January 13th

There are so many voices all competing for our attention. Even when we don’t realize it, we are listening to the sounds of life that surround us. What do those voices say? What choruses do they sing? What refrains do they repeat? The voice we gather to hear this day stands in stark contrast to the multitude of others in our world. “The voice of the Lord is over the waters,” says Psalm 29:3. As He did for ancient Israel—and as He did for His only-begotten Son—our Father does for us today: He speaks over us words of life! At Jesus’ baptism the voice of the Father was heard from heaven. Today we celebrate the voice of God’s affirming love in our midst.


A Taste of the Sacred, Epiphany 2 Worship January 20th


The Guiding Light of Life, Epiphany Worship January 6th