Trinity Sunday, All Thy Works Shall Praise Thy Name, June 16

Whenever we contemplate the mystery of God being three persons in one God, we can be in awe of how far above us He is in His divine nature. We were called into being when we were nothing, we were saved while still in our sins, and we are given faith to trust Him, purely by the grace of God. God’s creation itself is majestic in scope and grandeur. The more we learn about it, especially the vastness of cosmic space, the more we recognize the grace of God in His caring about us. God has not only provided the one place where we might thrive, but He also became one of us, showing us His Majesty in such a humble way. The Holy Spirit now lives among us to teach us all things and remind us how majestic is God’s name in all the earth, especially in our hearts and minds!


Jesus Sets Us Free, Second Sunday of Pentecost, June 23


The Spirit of the Living God, Pentecost Worship, June 9