The Humble Will See the Glory of God, September 1 Worship

God can accomplish more with our humility than we can do with our pride. When we are asking questions such as what would leave room for the love of God or what would give glory to Him the world around us is transformed into a place where God can be seen and that is always greater than whatever we might try to achieve. The path of humility is the path of faith, as we believe that God’s Glory is greater than all else.

Pastor Disney was a guest preacher on Main Street Living, a Lutheran television program that is endorsed by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. His sermon was recorded several weeks ago and aired on TV this past Sunday, Sept. 1. This is the same sermon that Pastor Disney preached at Bethlehem on Sunday, Sept. 1. We hope you enjoy the video version.


God's Way Opens Before Us, September 8 Worship


God is Always Good, Worship August 25, Pentecost 11