Lord of the Ultimate Things, November 15 Worship
The light of day gets more fleeting and cherished this time of year. In the church calendar we are coming to what we call the last days. At this time we call out to our gracious God to brighten our lives as only He can. He is Lord of the ultimate things and He can bring light to even the smallest and seemingly insignificant aspects of our lives. Jesus Christ victoriously opened the heavens that God’s gracious light may come into this darkened world. Jesus tells us a story about how God has entrusted us with the care of things and people. He is telling us that God’s light can be clearly seen, and the brightness of the coming new heaven and earth already shines for us, even now, today.
The first and second hymn is LSB 670, “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones”. The third and fourth hymn is LSB 512, “At the Name of Jesus”. If you have a Lutheran Service Book Hymnal at home, please sing along.