Just One Glorious Thing, Transfiguration Sunday, February 23
We are looking for that first sure sign of spring. Just one sight of something ready to start growing would be a glorious sight. When facing something difficult or uncertain we need assurance that we can continue to move forward. As we follow the life of Jesus, we have come to a mountaintop. Like his first disciples we have followed this amazing man as he began to reveal himself to those who were increasingly curious about where all this was leading. Now we stand on a mountain unsure of where we are being led. Here Jesus shows us His glory in all of its splendor and light. As we look out at where God will now lead us we must hold onto the vision of light and goodness. As we descend, the valley below looks dark and uncertain. This is when faith must actively remember who God is, what He has done, and will surely do again. God can lead us into the unknown assuring us that we will see His eternal the light, today and forever.