Triumphant Jesus Ascends into Heaven
When his disciples saw Jesus alive again after His Resurrection that let themselves hope for some small victory. As we go through life we hope for triumphs. Jesus’ disciples, just before Christ was about to ascend to heaven asked Him, "Lord will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" But God had a greater victory in mind. Jesus’ ascension means His triumph is over all things, over all that is broken, over all that we fear. Jesus who was crucified, died, and risen, ascends to heaven taking His victory with Him to sit at God's right hand in power and majesty. He is triumphant over all things forever.
The first and second hymn is LSB 493, “A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing”. The third and fourth hymn is LSB 495, “Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious”. If you have a Lutheran Service Book Hymnal at home, please sing along.