The Day of Our Lord. Worship: November 12, 2023
The Day of God. Paul Gauguin French 1894–95
It’s not a big surprise that no one has accurately predicted the end of the world—not that it hasn’t been attempted. From religious sects to cult leaders to apocalyptic predictions made when we entered a new millennium, a fascination grows around those who claim they have it all figured out. We are wise though to take the Lord at His word concerning the Last Day. From Amos in the Old Testament proclaiming the day of the Lord, to Paul writing the Thessalonians about Christ’s return, to Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins, the Lord does not give us a date or a time of the end of this world as we know it. What He continues to give us, though, are promises of His faithfulness, His continued care and providence, and His assurance that when that day comes, it will usher in a glorious blessedness in His perfect presence that will last forever.
This audio service is a rebroadcast from Jesus, The King. Worship, November 21, 2021.
When all is said and done Christ will stand in triumph over all things. He will make the wrongs and injustices right in the end. We put our faith not just in God’s love and mercy but also in His perfect judgment and His ability to fulfill and finish what He started. In the beginning God made a good and perfect world, He will restore it. By His victory Jesus is already our King. In the end we will see that Jesus Christ is truly King of Kings for all of time and eternity. Are you ready to celebrate?