The Work Righteousness that Saves Us Worship: October 29, 2023

 On this day when we observe and celebrate the Reformation, our Readings point us to remember the struggles and eventual insights of Martin Luther. God used these struggles and insights of one man in Germany to reshape the Church and let the true Gospel resound all over the world. Luther struggled as a young monk and professor because he had been taught that he, by his works of righteousness, might possibly then qualify to be loved by God. This teaching caused him nearly to despair entirely. But then he read Romans 3:23–24: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Struck by God’s Word here, Luther recognized that it is Christ’s work of righteousness—His dying and rising for sinners like Luther—that saves. Today is a celebration of what Christ has done for sinners like Luther and us.


Blessed Are You. Worship: November 5, 2023


Trusting Against all Odds. Worship: October 22, 2023