First and Foremost. Worship: November 26, 2023
Christ the King ... a modern American tapestry
Too often we think about God’s being up in His heaven, looking down on us. Today’s Readings give us the correct perspective. Through Ezekiel, God announces that He is the One who will provide pasture for His people and that He will send them David to be their king. In the Psalm, we reflect that God is our maker. Christ is not only the first to rise from death, Paul explains in the Epistle; He is also the foremost, the One to subject all things under Him. And so His decisions when judging on the Last Day cannot be questioned. First and foremost, then, today is a day to let God’s Word give us a correct perspective. This last Sunday of the Church Year is an opportunity to “make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise” (Psalm 95:2).