Easter Sunday: Says Who? Worship: March 31, 2024

When Isaiah wrote about God’s plans in terms of a feast, people may have wondered, “Says who?” The prophecy wasn’t clear, and the resurrection of Jesus was still centuries in the future. If the women at the tomb decided to tell someone later, they might not have been believed. But today’s Epistle includes a list of those who did hear and see Jesus Himself, including Paul, who had persecuted the church. We are here because untold millions of our brothers and sisters heard God’s Word, came to faith, and couldn’t keep the news to themselves. Who told you? Whom will you tell? And if anyone asks, “Says who?” invite them to join us in worship to hear for themselves.


Reacting to the Unbelievable. Worship: April 7, 2024


PALM SUNDAY. A Glorious Death. Worship: March 24, 2024