Wondrous Works and Ways. Worship: August 4, 2024
An interesting list of seven publicized in recent years is that of “The Seven Natural Wonders of the World.” Six of these wonderful parts of God’s amazing creation are specific to a certain location: Mount Everest in Nepal, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe, Mount Paricutin in Mexico, and the Grand Canyon in the United States. The seventh natural wonder on the list is the aurora borealis (or northern lights), which can be seen in many countries in the northern hemisphere of the globe, including Canada, Russia, Iceland, Norway, and the United States. Whether we live near any of these seven special natural wonders or not, the beauty of God’s handiwork surrounds us in every place. Many centuries ago, the inspired psalmist wrote, “Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them” (Psalm 111:2). From colorful rainbows to delicate snowflakes to lofty mountain peaks, “full of splendor and majesty is His work” (Psalm 111:3a). May we be inspired by it as well!